Thursday, January 5, 2012

Journal Writing and New Acquisitions

I've always loved writing on journals. There is just something therapeutic about unleashing my thoughts on a piece of paper. I started journal writing when I was in grade school. I can't remember who gave me my first journal but all I know is that I wrote on it everyday. I would write about what happened to me during school days, about my achievements and my failures. I wrote about my crushes; fictional and non-fictional. I wrote about how I wanted to punch the people who bullied me back then.

I have gone through about six journals all in all. Every one of them are kept safely in my desk. Sometimes I would read them just for laughs. Journals really do show how much a person changes through the years. I do think that I have changed for the better, although there's still a big room for improvement.

The last journal that I had used was bought two years ago when I visited my sister in Australia. I bought it at the Melbourne Airport just before I left the country. Its funny how fast time flies. Now that notebook's pages are filled with my scribbles and personal musings and it was time to buy a new one to replace the old.

I bought this notebook because I thought that it was so pretty. Pink is obviously my favorite color so its no secret as to why I loved the over all design. The pages inside were also designed with cute drawings of cats, teacups and flowers. Just perfect.
Isn't it cute?

The size of the notebook is about 5 x 7 inches. Its just the right size since I always carry a journal around in my bag. I usually write on it before I start the day or before I start on a project at work. Writing helps me to flush out all the thoughts in my head and even helps me to plan out what to post in this blog.

Speaking of blogging. I also bought something helpful yesterday.

I bought a digital camera.

I already own a NIKON D40x Digital SLR camera but I needed a smaller, more portable option to help me take pictures. My DSLR, which I had aptly named as Nori (Yes, my camera has a name. All my things have names), is such a pain to lug around even if takes fantastic pictures. I usually commute around Metro Manila so I can't bring Nori with me. Not only that, its really dangerous to bring out a big expensive camera out in the open and I'd rather not attract any attention. The only time I can use Nori is when I'm travelling in a car and I can only do that during weekends.

My new camera is just a simple point and shoot. Nothing too fancy. It's small enough to fit into a pant pocket and is really quite easy to carry around. Its a Nikon Coolpix S2500. Guess why I love this camera...

Meet Creampuff, my new Digicam!

It's pink! And it takes clear pictures.

I totally fell in love. It was also priced reasonably. I bought it only for 4,500 php. Quite a bargain if you think about it. Here are some sample pictures. I took these photos just this morning when I was on my way to the office.

Someone gave some cupcakes at my work place and it looked to cute that I just had to take a picture. And yes, it tasted as good as it looked. Yum, yum!

So that's it for now. Bye!

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